This afternoon tried a recipe from this 'Soups' recipe book, the corn carrot & chicken soup. Very easy to prepare. Joshua boy likes it as he finished his rice, drank the soup, and ate the carrot & the chicken meat too. If he doesn't like a particular dish, he will spit the food out. When that happen, i will stop and wait for about 5 min before feeding him again. This mummy here doesnt like to waste food nor prepare another dish for him. I will distract him with a game, a toy, a tv program, view blogs or a 'hello panda' chocolate (if i have), and then put a spoonful into his mouth. This method works at times though.
Pappy used to tell me his father would tell him and his siblings to eat whatever his mother cook. That's why pappy is not a fussy eater (just doesnt like fish).
Luckily today i do not have to crack my head. Joshua boy makan everything. Very cooperative...
Recently bought these 2 books (from Big Bookshop at harbourfront). Hope to try more recipes & meanwhile sharpen my culinary skill.
how much u pay for the 2 books? I also want to let my bb try more stuff other than veg/meat + porridge.
Sounds yummy yummy! Maybe in Dec hols, my mummy will cook those yummy stuff for me too!
yun er's mum,
think each bk abt 9.90. u can try popular bk store. e recipe v easy to follow.
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