Tuesday, October 7, 2008

joshua's new toy

leo feels that gabriel has out-grown such toy, thus hand that down to joshua boy. Joshua boy loves to switch on & off the button, swifts the cars from one ramp to the next, and watches the plane hovering in that forever-the-same circular motion. But i have to endure & tolerate with that "ooOO..." background music...


The Tired Mommy said...

Ya man! I don't like the music either! I'll stick a scotchtape over the speaker to mute the music on their lanterns...

Cherish said...

Maybe play some music to cover up the sound while Josh is playing with that ....that's what I did when Ethan cries, I will play children songs, and surprisingly sometimes he stops crying when he hears the music ...haaa....

mahmmy_boy said...

cherish, that i can try. That 'ooo...' music is irritating to my ears...