It has become my habit to check joshua's diaper to see if there is any poo before we go out or leave the house. One occasion, as usual, i pulled down his shorts, asked joshua boy, "wu pang sai bor?" He replied,"bor,"
i have not taught him any teochew, yet uttered that from him. Pappy & i speak a mixed of teochew, mandarin & english , while i use mandarin on joshua boy. I realise that he is beginning to pick up languages fast nowadays (remember joshua boy has not spoken a proper phrase yet), and mimic what pappy said. I better mind my words in future, especially with joshua boy around.
haha.. soon he'll say many more words that surprises you! i remember junjun saying things like "ai" (want) and "mai" (don't want) etc...
i remember my fren's daughter firsst word wasa malay word cos the indo maid speaks malay most of the time. Xiao Ci and Yun Er first word were 'bird'.
Reuben first word was "bread bread"! What a greedy boy :)
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