Saturday, December 27, 2008
pee in the potty...
Joshua boy did not want to wear any diaper or shorts after pappy washed his buttock. I tried to coax him to put on a diaper as afraid he might urinate on the sofa again. He was so engrossed in his 'Blue Clues', and was actually unhappy that i kept holding a diaper in my hand , and was upset with me for trying to put that on in him. So, i told pappy to ignore him and to just have to look out for any sign to bring him to the toilet. What we did next was to show him Doreamon wearing a diaper before going to bed, hoping he would also want to be like Doreamon. However, joshua boy did not buy our idea.Then i went to the toilet, and pappy told him to watch me pee...(sickening pappy, he should be the one whom ah boy can learn from...). But this time, pappy's idea worked. Joshua boy walked into the toilet, sat in his urine ...stood up, flushed the toilet...went back to his potty again...pee...i saw the urine coming out i was so happy...for myself (hard work pay off...teach joshua boy to sit in his potty everyday before his bath) & joshua boy (finally, willingly...)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ethan's 1st birthday party 29-11-08

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 22-11-2008
22 Nov 2008. 11am. Victoria theatre.
I bought 4 tickets and invited gek & gabriel to join joshua boy & myself to watch 'hungry caterpillar'Prior to the show,
i bought the story book and read the story to joshua boy, hoping that he could associate some pics in the book with the show.
Something that i have observed amazed me. Joshua boy was extremely attentive throughout the one-hour performance. Before the show started, he was figetting and then did not want to sit on the chair but on my lap. I thought this time chum liao.
MPC gathering 25-10-2008
gathering @annie's place (II)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
gathering@annie's place
I managed to catch ethan's smile while cherish took her lunch...
Once again, phoebe & joshua had fun entertaining themselves...
Everybody says cheeeeeeese...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ups & Downs...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
We are back!
On the morning of our departure to tokyo, upon checking in, the system showed that joshua boy was not seated together with us. Pappy did a phone check-in for joshua the day before as internet check-in is not applicable to children. His seating arrangement was being confirmed over the phone. Somehow, that arrangement was not reflected in the system. The ground staff, i would say, was very helpful & efficient in rectifying the problem. One problem solved.
Next, we were told that no child's meal was being arranged for joshua boy. Pappy was already very unhappy. That we had no choice but to provide joshua boy with an adult menu (too late to make any arrangement then). Second problem solved though dissatisfied.
On the plane, the cabin crew faxed a telex to the company to arrange child's meal on our flight back. We must say that is quite efficient too (later we learnt from the chief steward that was a proper & correct procedure to be taken by the crew).
On our return flight, to our disappointment, joshua boy had to take adult meal again. His name, neither pappy's, was not reflected in the list of child's meal. We thought that a telex was being sent....we thought that our request was being addressed... so what had gone wrong? Apparently another family, seated beside us, had their children's meals left out too. The mother complained to the crew that children should be served first when she realised that some adults were already tucking in their food. I saw her walking around to check on those having their meals earlier.
One of the cabin crew was pappy's friend. He quickly offered to arrange a special tray with some kids' tidbits & a main dish (from the adult menu). Pappy & I were ,of course, very pissed off. A complaint was being lodged to the chief steward. But what was done could not be undone.
Talk about efficiency of SIA service, i think that is questionable. We now have bad impression of the airline.
The previous trip in march with JAL was much much more pleasant. During our last trip in mar, Joshua boy was very cranky before the plane touched down in osaka. One of the senior JAL cabin crew told us to just let him cry due to the discomfort of his ear pressure. It would be better for him. So joshua boy was crying & making a lot of noise all the way till the door opened (I rushed to the front once the plane had properly parked). Shortly after the plane took off, the JAL crew showed me the content of his meal, & told me to let her know when joshua was ready to eat so that she could heat up the food. His meal turned out to be very tasty. I ate his left over.
We were pleased with Cathay Pacific too when we went to HK last aug. Joshua boy had a pack of baby diapers, at least 4 baby bottled food & a kiddo goody bag with toys. Most importantly, our seating arrangement was not cropped up.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tokyo trip
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Macritchie Reservoir 04-10-08
After that, we continued to walk, followed a path along the bank, to a trail on the boardwalk.
slippers & legs...
tidy & messy...
If i don't train him, this is how my living room looks like...
Sometimes, i have to use my legs to sweep his toys to one side before i can advance another step forward...
Friday, October 17, 2008
say cheese...
Time flies...
found this video clip while sorting my folder in my laptop. This was taken at McCafe AMK. Joshua boy was only 10mth old then. Time flies...
Monday, October 13, 2008
"wu bor?"
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lunch today
joshua's new toy (II)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
joshua's new toy
Friday, October 3, 2008
mum was ill
She developed high fever on mon midnight. My father quickly called gek. Mum wanted to just seek treatment from a 24-hr clinic. Leo, guess upon seeing how feeble she was, decided to head for A&E , without delay. According to gek, mum was very weak to stand still even. On the way to hospital, gek called my home .Pappy picked up the phone but did not hear any response, so thought was a prank. However, my instinct told me to check my hp, which was in the living room, after that prank call. Just then, saw a missed call. That was from gek, after unsuccessful attempt calling my home.
I did not go to the hosp. I was at home waiting for updates. Couldn't sleep, kept tossing & turning. Received a sms from keow at 2.18am saying "mum to be warded in c d c, ward 91, bed 4, suspect chikunya," (That was the initial fear by the doc, given the symptoms.) I was shocked, quickly woke up pappy told him the bad news. At about 3.27am, received another sms from keow - "i just met with doc. They will put her under observation," " least 1 full day. Most likely not chi..." another sms came at 3.58am. Somehow i felt more relieved after reading the words "most likely not chi".
Friday, September 26, 2008
Look who's eating...
Simple lunch at home today with mahmmy. We had porridge, minced meat & eggs.
Joshua boy knows how to hold the spoon properly now...and less spills on the floor too...good job, joshua boy!
The above pics were taken in june this year. joshua boy learnt to use the fork MacDonalds...