Pappy has installed Skype & web cam. But too bad, due to some technical problem, can't use the web cam. As for the Skype, due to his busy schedule & different time zone, can't chat online. So, we have to resort to more expensive means of communication, phone call.
Does joshua boy miss pappy? The last time at the airport to pick up pappy, joshua boy screamed with excitement when he saw pappy coming out of the arrival hall. The other passengers were staring at him. Who cares! my son misses his papa wat...

(joshua boy calling pappy using his personal phone, julia)
hey..why Juila, not Wayne?
joshua boy chose one, he likes red colour.
yah lor... beta let them choose their own toy... they sometimes have very different taste from us...
we gave him another colour. He held the 2 phones up, shook a few times. Then in the end put down the other, continued to hold on to 'julia' refused to change.
hehe :) He chooses his own wife next time, mahmy has no say :)
haha...he now knows how to choose wat shoes he wans to wear, wat toy he wans to bring along when we go out.
cool... looking forward to Sophie being able to let me know what she wants...
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