Monday, September 1, 2008

joshua & cod liver oil

This is a daily ritual for joshua boy. He must take the cod liver oil, either before or after his shower. He will bring me to the kitchen, and point at the location where i put the cod liver oil. This is the only moment he will be guai guai & willingly sitting on the adult high chair, waiting for his favourite drink.


The Tired Mommy said...

Eeek! Can't believe he likes cod liver fish oil?!! So fishy right ? Haven't let Phoebe try. scare buy already, she don't like, then waste the whole bottle... :p

mahmmy_boy said...

joshua loves it! I will take the one with orange flavour. i find it too fishy also

xiaoci_mama said...

My mum in law also suggesting buying for my 2 kids cos my hubby and bros all took the cod liver oil when they were young. I want to try the original (white) one first. Tired mommy, mayb we can share a small bottle?

mahmmy_boy said...

i took that becos i hv sensitive nose. I find it boosts my immune system

Cherish said...

I remember I took that when I was little...fishy but good ..haaa...