Wednesday, March 11, 2009

finger painting

bought a set of Crayola washable finger paints from a store at Harbourfront (too bad forget the name of the store:(

joshua boy had a messy adventure not only with his fingers, but also tried painting with a brush. Seeing that he thoroughly enjoyed the mess he had created on the drawing paper, his quick-witted mummy (hee hee...) quickly fished out a potato from the fridge, cut into half, carved a flower shape, and taught him to print the shape on the paper. As Joshua boy did not have an art smock, i got him to put on his old t-shirt. Overall, he had fun, enjoyed himself that afternoon.

young artist at work


Dadaluff said...

Crayola has a good range of art materials... try their washable markers and crayons... should b quite fun! :)

mahmmy_boy said...

yes v fun. got a set of washable markers which was bought earlier.

Cherish said...

looks fun ....

The Tired Mommy said...

Oh yah! How can I forget about good old potato printing!! Haha... should let Phoebe try too. Thanks for your ideas!! :)