it's Tuesday again......
joshua boy will keep my mum company on every tuesday afternoon. Why is there such an arrangement? Bcos mahmmy boy is working on tuesday. Every tuesday, joshua n I will have lunch at my mum's place before i leave for work. Mummy's cooking is the best in the world! My mum is a great cook. She can easily whip up delicious hokkien mee soup in 5 minutes (as observe by pappy). I can request for my favourite mee hoon kuay and she will prepare that. Thanks mum!
My joshua boy is growing up..thanks be to God! He is learning to walk up the stairs himself, refusing any assistance. I just hold his arm to give him a little support for every step he takes. Whenever he accomplishes the whole flight of stairs, he will show me a wide grin. Love to see my joshua boy's dimple when he smiles...
Pappy is flying again tomorrow. He is going to taiwan and will be back on friday evening. joshua boy is going to miss his smell...
Joshua's so cute and clever! He can go up the steps on his own!
hehehe...hahaha...he now very mischievous. my mum says he very 'pai see'
My boy also has dimple on one side of his face :) Aiyah, all grandmas always say their grandchildren pai see! haha :) It's their loving way of saying I LOVE YOU :)
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