YES!!! it's friday. it's pai fu...vu...vu...vu... (hahaha.....that's private code between pappy & mahmmy)
Pappy is coming back from taiwan tonight. If joshua boy is still awake, we will fetch pappy from the airport.
How do we spend our friday evening? Usually pappy will try to finish his work early & join us for dinner. If pappy has to work late, he will bring us out for supper. Our favourite hangout is mac_cafe at amk park. So on friday night, joshua boy will sleep late. I guess he is already used to such lifestyle. He enjoys the car ride and enjoys listening to pappy-mahmmy conversation. Sometimes he also wants to chip in.
Joshua boy has not talked yet. He will either point to us or make ah ah ah sound to tell us what he wants. Joshua boy understands all my instructions & expressions. I should say he has not verbalised yet. i have taught him alphabets & he recognises 'A' & 'O'. i have taught him numbers & he recognises '1' (he has shown that with his finger) i have taught him to call 'mummy' ' papa' & he said 'muak'. He has called me 'mama' only once after awakened from his nap one afternoon. i wonder if he was dreaming that day! Am i worry? Dr Chua told me to give joshua boy more time and not to make comparison with other kids. Dr Chua is right. Every child is unique in his own way.
Ah boy loves bus.... KK, BTW, photos of my trip are in facebook. Go see hor.
Ya, all babies different :)
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