Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my growing up son (II)

My joshua boy is sleeping now. He usually sleeps at around 10. Tonight is considered exceptionally early. He already 'mi' at 945p.m. Whenever pappy is not at home, he will somehow go to bed early. (Pappy, you at taiwan can view my blog n see 'one ball')

Joshua boy will be 2 yrs old in 2 months time. Time really flies... as a mother, I want my 'one ball' to grow up to be a happy n healthy child. Pappy's friend, Joe, ever mentioned that joshua looks so positive all the time & he is always smiling. Joe asked mahmmy what i have done?!?! Mahmmy's best friend, Kat, got an answer for me. I was happy n healthy when I was pregnant.

(I agree with Kat:) )


Profpig ^@^ said...

Happy, healthy and always want to eat noodles leh... I remember that time u seldom eat rice.

mahmmy_boy said...

ya lor....u still remember!!!