Friday, July 24, 2009

Racial Harmony Day

Joshuaboy's kindergarten celebrated Racial Harmony Day today. The pupils are enouraged to wear clothes that depict the four ethnic groups in S'pore. There were traditional games for pupils to take part in. There were different types of food for pupils to taste.

I was helping out at a game stall. Yes, a parent volunteer, i should say. I had fun demonstrating to the pupils how to skip, & how to play yo yo. It was an eye opener for some pupils who apparently had not seen or touched a skipping rope before. Some pupils knew for the first time how a yo yo works.

Joshuaboy was with me before his class started at noon. He was enjoying himself, trying out games at various stall, mingling with other pupils, self-entertaining, so to speak.

Each pupil brought home a cone of kachang puteh.


Dadaluff said...

Hahaha... parent volunteer oredi? Sounds fun. Reminds me of NCPS Racial Harmony Day...

mahmmy_boy said...

yes reminds me of ncps racial harmony celebrations:)

Cherish said...

wow!!KK, haven't read your post for so long, your Josh looks like you as he grows older...Josh goes Kindergarten liao ah? He is 5 years old liao ah? thought 3 years old only...hmmmm get confused with your kid and Annie's Phoebe's age...hiaz...getting old liao...

mahmmy_boy said...

cherish, josh is 3. U r rite! He is currently attending pre nursery class for 3-yr-old toddler. Next yr, he will b promoted to nursery. Subsequently will b K1 & K2. kiasu rite...!!! This is sg trend now.