I was helping out at a game stall. Yes, a parent volunteer, i should say. I had fun demonstrating to the pupils how to skip, & how to play yo yo. It was an eye opener for some pupils who apparently had not seen or touched a skipping rope before. Some pupils knew for the first time how a yo yo works.
Joshuaboy was with me before his class started at noon. He was enjoying himself, trying out games at various stall, mingling with other pupils, self-entertaining, so to speak.

Each pupil brought home a cone of kachang puteh.
Hahaha... parent volunteer oredi? Sounds fun. Reminds me of NCPS Racial Harmony Day...
yes reminds me of ncps racial harmony celebrations:)
wow!!KK, haven't read your post for so long, your Josh looks like you as he grows older...Josh goes Kindergarten liao ah? He is 5 years old liao ah? thought 3 years old only...hmmmm get confused with your kid and Annie's Phoebe's age...hiaz...getting old liao...
cherish, josh is 3. U r rite! He is currently attending pre nursery class for 3-yr-old toddler. Next yr, he will b promoted to nursery. Subsequently will b K1 & K2. kiasu rite...!!! This is sg trend now.
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