Monday, July 6, 2009


30th June, Tues, abt 930pm

We quickly left for Mt Alvernia A&E. Joshua had vomitted his dinner & barley drink. That morning & afternoon, he was having diarrhoea for a total of 5 times.

He was already showing signs and in fact was at the onset of falling sick on Monday morning. He was still looking well & active when he went to school at noon, though he threw out his morning milk feed. He looked tired when i picked him up after his class. He had diarrhoea twice after his nap, and after his afternoon milk feed. I brought him to tcm without delay. It was drizzling, and luckily, saw a cab shortly after walking to the minor road. Unfortunately, joshuaboy threw out in the cab on our way back after tcm. The driver made some nasty remarks (couldnt blame him, as the cab was really in mess with all the "throw out") I ignored him, paid him a few more dollars, and dashed home to get changed for both joshuaboy & myself. That night he was alright, and could sleep well.

Somehow on Tue, joshuaboy's condition turned worse, even though with tcm medication. I could tell that he did not respond to dr wong's med this time. I took him to a GP, hoping that western medication might stop his diarrhoea. I was wrong. While waiting for diagnosis at Mt A, I asked myself why didnt i think of sending joshuaboy to hosp instead? The doc at Mt A suggested us to admit joshua for observation and to put him on drip in order to treat his condition fast. We obliged. We agreed. We didnt argue or negotiate. We were mentally prepared on our way to the hosp. We just wanted joshuaboy to receive the fastest & most effective treatment.

Joshuaboy was fortunate to be able to stay in a single-bedded room as his hospitalisation plan from Great Eastern is able to cover all expenses. That night, joshuaboy was given intravenous drip. By the time he fell asleep, it was already 1 am, 1st July. We heaved a sigh of relief seeing our son sleeping soundly. We were proud that he was very cooperative when the PD injected the needle.

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