Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tokyo Day 5 (30/12/09)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tokyo Day 2/3/4 (27/12/09 - 29/12/09)
Today was a rest day for us. Today we received joshuaboy's stroller...Thanks be to God! (read Day 2 to find out more)
Had a late breakfast, leisurely. Joshuaboy had macdonald's happy meal breakfast, whereas pappy & mahmmyboy had udon soup & don. I finally found the 100yen shop, and we did some grocery shopping. Pappy loves to see the fridge being stock up with food stuff, so that we can whip up a meal anytime we like or whenever we are hungry. This is one of the reasons for staying at a serviced apartment.
Lunch & dinner were prepared by mahmmyboy. Lunch was a simple pumpkin porridge meal, with bee cheng hiang pork floss (brought from S'pore). Dinner was minced meat & carrot porridge for joshuaboy, and noodle soup with tofu, needle mushroom, carrot, minced meat for pappy & mahmmyboy. Yummy, & healthy.
Day 3.
Rented a car. Went to Thomas Land, which is situated at Otsuki (Fujiyoshida) very near to Mt Fuji. YES... Mt Fuji... we finally saw her right in front of us, as we were driving, looking for the right direction to Fuji Q Highland amusement park, which is home to Thomas Land. YES...Mt Fuji... AWESOME! really really AWESOME! The first time i saw her was travelling in the shinkansen, during our last trip. Today was the second time. The view, and the feeling of seeing her is indescribable (is there such a word? myself a teacher...) I tried to take a last glance at her on our way back to Tokyo. The sight of her is still vividly etched in my mind.
Back to Thomas Land. Joshuaboy of course was very excited when he saw his favourite 'ah tak'. That's the way he addresses 'Thomas the Tank Engine'. The admission to the amusement does not include the rides at Thomas Land. Each ride cost about 200 yen (S$3) for each adult. Luckily, joshuaboy does not need to pay any fare. We took Harold the helicopter ride, the truck ride, and Thomas the train ride. I managed to take a pic with joshuaboy with Mt Fuji at the background. The sun set rather early at this time of the year, at around 4 to 5 o'clock. The park was quite deserted when we left at 530pm. Dinner was sumptuous, to compensate for the-origini-lunch-in-the-car.
Day 2.
We ended the day by attending mass at Franciscian Chapel Centre at Roppongi. Wanted to start the day by going to the church first. But had to go back to get some paperwork done. I forgot to mention that we had left joshuaboy's stroller at the airport. I guess we were too eagerly to get out of the airport that day, or we are getting old...whatever lah...
Pappy seek the help of the hotel's staff to locate the stroller. Luckily, the stroller was still around, at the custom, at the airport. We had to pay a sum (1500yen)to get it sent to us. Hope we would get it asap. Joshuaboy is growing up, and his weight grows too. It will take a strong & tough guy to carry him. Poor pappy! He had to suffer...
As a result of those papperwork, we were late for the noon mass.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tokyo Day 1 (26/12/09)
Joshuaboy had a wonderful nap in the plane. He was so alert when he woke up.
Took the airport limousine bus to our serviced apartment's doorstep. This time we are staying at Odaiba area. It is far from the popular tourists' choice like shinjuku. But it is nearer to disneyland. Our plan for tomorrow is to attend a mass first, then explore omotesando, which is pappy's favourite hangout place, i think. Update again tomorrow.
(as i was typing, my mind had in fact gone away...zzz...)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
joshua's instruction
pappy: ni jiao wo chu qu??? ( no choice, being instructed by joshuaboy, guai guai obeyed...)
Birthdays' invitation...
Sun (8 nov) - Xiao Ci's birthday.
Both birthday stars are 6...
Both are girls...
Both had pizza party...
Both had 'pink' birthday cake...
Happy Birthday!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Children's Day celebration
I was 'invited' ( again!) by joshua's English teacher to be a parent volunteer for today's event. My main task was to look after joshua & his classmates while teachers had their race, and to get the kids ready for the race. Luckily, the weather was very cooperative after a shower this morning.
There wasn't much shade though, but not much sun either.
more workout...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Joshuaboy peeing without my help.
The other day i saw him pulled down his brief, lifted up the potty cover, sat on the potty trying to pee ( hahaha...u must be thinking why sit, not stand?) I thought that he was sitting down. But he stood up, held on to the handles by the side, and pee. After that, he tried to put on his brief. That still needed my assistance. He only managed to pull up to cover his front. This scenario was repeated this afternoon. Good job, joshuaboy! You have shown mahmmyboy & pappy that you have grown up. One more thing, I realise that he has better bladder control now.
Teachers' Day celebration 31-08-09
joshuaboy performed, together with his classmates, at the school's mini concert for the teachers.
Pappy always likes to call him names such as 'silly truck'. This video clip will show him that his so-called ' truck' can sing & dance, not so 'silly'...
tongs & chopsticks
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New addition
Mummies' Gathering
Date: 9 Sep, Wednesday
Time: 1130am
Venue: Marche Vivocity
Who were there?
- Pat & her granddaughter, Si Jia
- Jean & her grandson, Der Nen
- Annie & her 2 kids, Phoebe & Reuben, & her helper
- Jessy & her 2 gers, Xiao Ci & Yun Er
- Pei Ee & Andy & Faith & Pei Ee's mum
- Gina
- Lay Choon & Jun Jun
- Li Nah & Sophie
- mammyboy & pappy & joshuaboy

mummies as usual had a lot to catch up, a lot to share, a lot to say, lots of laughters... kids as usual had their own fun too...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Joshua is 3!
Mahmmyboy bought a 'Thomas & Friends' playhouse for joshuaboy last year. I was cracking my head what to get for him this year. Finally, i decided to bake a cake for his birthday. I don't know how to bake cakes nor pastries stuffs. Thus seek help from my childhood friend who can bake just like a professional. However, she was ill and could not teach me. Luckily, auntie serene neo came to my rescue. She spent one friday evening teaching me the basics & the hows & ....baking a cake. Since i do not have baking instinct, she decided to teach me a sure-can-succeed cake, which is brownie. She was very helpful to call me on thurs nite (3rd sep), offered her help again the following nite. With her help & baking fingers, joshuaboy's birthday cake was 'borned' on 4th sep, 630pm.
My guests were impressed with my idea & effort. Pappy was elated that nite & i heard him keep mentioning something like " wife bake one..." "...very nice..." Thanks pappy!
Happy Birthday, Joshuaboy! You are 3!

Monday, August 10, 2009
National Day 090809

We wanted to view the parade from Merlion Park this year. However, the whole place was denied entry at around 615pm. The pedestrian path along the Esplanade Drive was jam packed with human crowd. We moved along the Anderson Bridge next, and made a quick decision to stay put at the bridge. Luckily, our decision was wise & sound as the police stopped further entry to the bridge after that.
(joshuaboy trying hard to record...)
A glimpse of the City March Past along Anderson Bridge
The fireworks display (so near yet so far...)
Did we say the pledge at 822pm? We didnt as we were already walking along Boat Quay heading towards Central. We had simple Japanese-style western food at Ma Maison. Good service, good food, good ambience... By the time we arrived home, it was 10 min before 11pm.
Happy 44th Birthday, Singapore!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Red & White

joshuaboy's kindergarten had a party this morning. His form teacher had made arrangement with some parents to contribute some food for the class party. I bought packet drinks.
I have taught joshuaboy a mandarin national day song. He was humming this morning on our way to the kindergarten. It was a pity I did not manage to record his voice.
The kindergarten wanted to hold its annual sports day this morning. It was postponed, however, in support of the kindergarten effort to slow down the spread of H1N1. One of joshuaboy's classmates was down with Influenza A. There were 3 cases of H1N1 in his kindergarten so far. Pappy & I had signed up for the parents' race, and were in fact looking forward to this day. Well, we have to support & respect the principal's decision.
Happy National Day!
Friday, July 31, 2009
kids' date...
Too bad, the camera was not with me that day, so did not take any pics of the party.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Racial Harmony Day

I was helping out at a game stall. Yes, a parent volunteer, i should say. I had fun demonstrating to the pupils how to skip, & how to play yo yo. It was an eye opener for some pupils who apparently had not seen or touched a skipping rope before. Some pupils knew for the first time how a yo yo works.
Joshuaboy was with me before his class started at noon. He was enjoying himself, trying out games at various stall, mingling with other pupils, self-entertaining, so to speak.

Each pupil brought home a cone of kachang puteh.
A Mystery Call???
He said," Hello...............(followed by a long pause after that).
The next phase he said was "bu zai jia...,"
Then he put down the phone.
When i took over from him, the call had already been disconnected.
So I asked joshuaboy who that was. He replied that was yee yee. I thought that my sis would try calling my hp next since she did not manage to talk to me. I waited and waited...No call leh!
When I checked with my sis last night, she said she did not call me.
So, who was the caller?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Youth Day - sch hols

So, what was joshuaboy doing this morning?

Rotavirus (6)
Praise the Lord! Joshuaboy has recovered. He responded well & fast to Dr Wong's med.
No diarrhoea.
No vomiting.
Had his favourite formula milk milk.
Had half a slice of bread with butter & milo that morning.
Had kway teow soup for lunch.
Had rice & ABC soup & steam minced meat with water chestnut for dinner.
Drank 200ml of milk milk before going to bed.
NO diarrhoea. Pants clean. No stain. No foul smell.
Thanks be to God!
Rotavirus (5)
Dr Wong prescribed 4 hourly med for joshuaboy. Joshuaboy took 2 doses that day. He was still having diarrhoea, but only 2 times. Dr Wong advised us to let joshuaboy eat more solid food, such as rice with soup, and to stop feeding him porridge. We took her advice. Joshuaboy was enjoying a quarter bowl of rice with fish soup ( soup was cooked by my mum) that evening for dinner. That afternoon, he had minced meat porridge, prepared by my MIL. She even brought some fried bee hoon for pappy & I. My in laws were very concerned about joshuaboy's health. My MIL applied leave and took a cab down to the hosp the following morning after receiving our sms.
Rotavirus (4)
Joshuaboy was discharged.
However, his diarrhoea had not stopped. Dr Lim told us that the diarrhoea condition would persist for another few days. The worst scenario would be 10 days. My goodness! I pray deep in my heart jsohuaboy to recover soon.
At 130pm, diarrhoea on our way home. 345pm, diarrhoea again after his nap. 525pm, again diarrhoea. 805pm, once more. 1010pm, his pants was stained, again. 1110pm, changed another set of pyjamas, again. I became very worried and disheartened seeing that. Why was his tummy still rumbling despite abstaining from formula milk? We decided to bring him back to tcm Dr Wong the following morning. Hope that Dr Wong could do something about his condition.
Rotavirus (3)
Did not work today. I informed my boss yesterday on joshua's condition & my intention to take leave. She was rather understanding, and made arrangement for teachers to relief my classes.
Joshuaboy looked well. He requested to get down the bed, then made further request wanted me to bring him out of the room. That, i did not obliged. I had only allowed him to walk about in the room.

As for his condition, diarrhoea was getting mild. But he had to abstain from milk. It was tough explaining to him. We decided to let him try Isomil, upon Dr Lim's recommendation. Joshuaboy attempted once, but rejected the following feed. Seeing that, pappy made a diluted formula feed for him. That night, his diarrhoea worsened, 4 times. 1 of them happened at 4am, and luckily was spotted by the nurse who came in to check his drip. She quickly woke us up. (We slept on a sofa bed in the same room, advantage of staying in a single room). So, we decided to keep the formual mlik out of his sight, hopefully out of his mind...
Rotavirus (2)

1 July, Wed.
Joshuaboy's stool was sent for lab testing. His PD, Dr Lim. came back in the afternoon with the lab report. The result showed that Joshuaboy had rotavirus. According to Dr Lim, this virus will attack and thin his intestine lining, thus causing severe diarrhoea. Luckily, joshuaboy was not having any fever, and his vomitiing had stopped. According to Dr Lim, the virus is transmitted via contact with contaminated hands, surfaces and objects. So, how on earth did joshuaboy get the virus? I could think of our last outing to jacob ballas children's garden. There were many kids there that day. My mum said he "hor deu"... whatever, i beginning to feel regretful bringing him out on a hot sunny morning, letting him play with the water (pappy warned me the night before not to let him go near the water play)...
Joshuaboy was fortunate to be able to stay in a single-bedded room as his hospitalisation plan from Great Eastern is able to cover all expenses. That night, joshuaboy was given intravenous drip. By the time he fell asleep, it was already 1 am, 1st July. We heaved a sigh of relief seeing our son sleeping soundly. We were proud that he was very cooperative when the PD injected the needle.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
Jessy & her girls wanted to come with us on Wed. But Jessy had to attend an urgent meeting that morning. We shall meet them again on Youth Day, zoo outing, with Annie & her kids. Hope that li nah & sophie can join us.
Joshuaboy wanted to try the slide. But I was rather apprehensive to do that with him. Luckily he did not insist. Joshuaboy managed to cross the suspension bridge, on his own, after a few attempts with me. After he had challenged that, he raised both hands & shouted "i did it..." (he learnt that from Dora the explorer dvd) I was very happy to know that my ah boy is a brave & daring child who is willing to try.
After that, we came to the water play area. I took off his shoes, asked if he would like to play. He nodded. Then off the bench to the water hose. He enjoyed the water play very much. He was ,in fact, quite reluctant to leave. He was only willing to stop & get change when he realised that the group of children from a childcare centre was changing & leaving too. He was mingling with those kids earlier, as if they were friends.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Up, up, up we go...
Started training joshua boy end of last year actually. But then stopped after multiple cleaning, changing, cleaning & changing, arrrrhhhh..... mahmmyboy gave up. Decided to pluck up a little bit of courage & thus tried once again last week. I would say not too bad the results this time round. I am more prepared, both mentally & physically. Joshua boy is more ready too. He has better bladder control now. He used to wet his pant every 15 min (imagine my frustration then...) Now he can tahan for 1.5 hr.
This time, i tell myself, even if he still wet his brief, i m not going to take the easy way out put on diaper for him. Whenever we are at home, joshua boy is going to be diaperless. (however, i am still not confident of letting him go out without diaper) I believe, he has to learn the discomfort of feeling wet, I believe, he will learn to pee at the right time, at the right place. I believe.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Another milestone
This morning, as usual i took off his diaper after he woke up, put on Thomas & Friends brief for him. As usual, told him to let me know if he needs to she she. As expected, pee in his brief. No choice. Cleaned up. Changed another brief.
Then at about 10.45am, "mummy she she, mummy she she..." joshua boy came running to me. I was in the bedroom. I quickly brought him to the toilet, pulled down his brief, carried him up the toilet seat, let him stand at the rim of the toilet bowl, supported his back, and my dear joshua boy she she in the toilet bowl...At that moment, i was elated. I hugged him, kissed him, praised him, hugged him, kissed him, praised him...i think I had overdone that, he pushed me away...nevermind... Next, i called pappy wanted to tell him the good news. But he was at a meeting could only sms.
But at 12.15, accident! Cleaned up. Changed another brief.
At 12.50, "mummy she she, mummy she she..." Did it in the toilet bowl again. This time, managed to talk to pappy over the phone. joshua boy was very happy. He said this to pappy,"pappy ah, joshua she she in the toilet bowl...toilet bowl",
At 2.30pm, "mummy she she, mummy she she..." the siren wailed again. This time,joshua boy not only pee but poo also...all done into the toilet bowl.
Joshua boy was taking his nap when i posted this entry. Hope that the rest of the day, his potty training will go on smoothly. Wish us luck!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Uh Ah?
mahmmyboy: ? (could not comprehend...)
Finally managed to decipher one day. We were at Kiddy Palace and joshua was admiring his favourite range of trains (Thomas, what else...). He was pointing at Dennis (name of a train) and he mentioned those words again. At that moment then i realised what he was saying. He was actually telling me (in mandarin) jia li you...
To Laugh or Not To Laugh
When I came back from work, my sister told me,"just now, your son pointed at the Whisper advertisement and told me mummy jia li you..." my sister was amazed ( or rather amused) by that statement.
So, how should i respond? my answer was," ? " Firstly, i have kept all sanitary pads in a drawer in the wardrobe. Secondly, i don't use that brand. Thirdly, where does joshua boy learn such a phrase from?
Friday, May 15, 2009
new kindergarten
He no longer resists when i put on his uniform. He no longer whines when i carry him out of the car. He no longer holds my pants reluctant to let go when i hand him over to his teacher. He no longer says "bu yao bu yao" when i mention going to school. He no longer has night terror nowadays...this is very signficant to us.
He used to wake up at night crying when he just started his pre N class at the previous kindergarten. He used to refuse to change into his uniform. He used to drag getting out of the car when we arrived at the school gate. He used to have teary eyes when pappy passed him over to the teacher.
Pappy & i are glad that i have chosen to transfer him to another kindergarten. I think it's the so called motherly instinct that i could feel joshua boy's unhappiness & frustration. He was not able to articulate to us what had happened in school, but his behaviour told us something was not right. Two weeks after the term started, he was getting more naughty, more cranky, made more unpleasant unnesessary noise, cried more, whined more...

Bonding Time!
joshua boy has grown to love playing games at the arcade. He was the one who had dragged pappy to ride on that motorcycle. He sure knows what is called "FUN"!
Monday, April 13, 2009
after reading some mummies' response in my comments' window, cant help but laugh out loud....
I feel much better now... mummies bloggers don worry abt me, don speculate. I will update u all on what has happened to me much to share, so much to tell...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Joshua third day in school
Monday, March 23, 2009
Joshua first day in school
At first i was a bit worried when he did not want to participate in the morning singing at the assembly hall. I held his hand up but he rejected. I encouraged him to clap but he refused. He wanted to go to the school's playground. It was too inviting. He kept telling me "slide, slide..." But how could I accede to his request? Luckily, he settled down well in class.
One more thing i need to do as a mother is to toilet train him. This i must admit is challenging. I tried but failed. He tried but unsuccessful. I tell myself give him time, and give me time too. Please pray for us!
One last thing to blog about. I miss having breakfast with joshua boy this morning though we had chee cheong fun & chwee kue at the kopi tiam. What i have missed is joshua boy sitting beside me, on his high chair, by the dining table, spreading kaya butter peanut butter nutela on my bread, and then we will share the all-kinds-of spread bread, and then he will also enjoy sipping his hot milo, while I enjoy my kopi-o. Come saturday when he doesn't need to go to sch, we will eat the all-kinds-of-spread bread together...